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We are hiring senior engineers with experience from the train industry.

For the right person we will adapt the position to qualification and interest.

You might be given responsibility to be a manager for a specific area of expertise, develop younger colleagues, conduct sales processes in addition to perform counselling services.

Project management --- Technical documentation --- Electrical engineering

Inspections --- Condition Based Maintenance and Maintenance optimization Procurement --- Mechanical engineering --- Reverse engineering --- RAMS


  • Counselling services within your area of expertise.

  • Develop the service offering description and presentation.

  • Recruiting and training of staff for delivering the services.

  • Creating content for educational purposes in their respective field.

  • Create and maintain a tender template including pricing guidelines. (OPTIONAL)

  • Marketing of the services in real life and on social media. (OPTIONAL)

  • Presentation of the service offering at selected customers. (OPTIONAL)


  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in engineering or equivalent competence.

  • 8+ years experience in your field of expertise.

  • Able to methodologically ask the right questions to understand customer needs.

  • Ability to plan and coordinate complex tasks and resources and to deliver accordingly.

  • Fluent in at least one Scandinavian language.

  • We believe that the candidates for these positions, has passion for their profession, and thrives with freedom and responsibility.


  • Opportunity to become a member of Unstad Partner Program, the most exciting company in the Norwegian rolling stock market.

  • Salary and pension at competitive levels.

  • Working with outstanding colleagues and the most interesting customers.

  • Very attractive offices downtown Oslo and high-tech home office solutions.

Are you interested in this fantastic opportunity, please contact us


Oslo, Norway

All service offerings at Unstad should have an owner (Service portfolio manager). The Service manager is overall responsible for our offering in the respective field. The Service manager should be a senior professional who is respected in the market for his/her experience and knowledge in the service area and has a solid track-record. We are currently hiring Service portfolio managers for the following rolling-stock fields:

Project management – Technical documentation – Electrical engineering

Inspections – Condition Based Maintenance and Maintenance optimization

Procurement – Mechanical engineering – Reverse engineering – RAMS


The service portfolio manager is responsible for the following areas:

  • Develop the service offering description and presentation.

  • Create and maintain a tender template including pricing guidelines.

  • Issuing of invoices on a regular basis (OPTIONAL).

  • Marketing of the services in real life and on social media. (OPTIONAL)

  • Presentation of the service offering at selected customers.

  • Recruiting and training of staff for delivering the services.

  • Creating content for educational purposes in their respective field.


  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in engineering or equivalent competence.

  • 8+ years experience in your field of expertise.

  • Able to methodologically ask the right questions to understand customer needs.

  • Ability to plan and coordinate complex tasks and resources and to deliver accordingly.

  • Fluent in at least one Scandinavian language.

  • We believe that the candidates for these positions, have passion for their profession, and thrives with freedom and responsibility.


  • Opportunity to become a member of Unstad Partner Program, the most exciting career path in the Norwegian rolling stock market.

  • Salary and pension at competitive levels.

  • Working with outstanding colleagues and the most interesting customers.

  • Very attractive offices downtown Oslo and high-tech home office solutions.

Are you interested in this fantastic opportunity, please contact us

Oppdatert: 24. nov. 2020

Oslo, august 2020

I perioden mai til juli '20 har vi avdekket komplett status på togparken som skal opereres i trafikkpakke 2 av SJ/NORD. Dette gjelder tog Type 73, 92 og 93, EL18, Di4, Fde, B5 og WLAB.

Inspeksjonen har involvert interiør- og eksteriørelementer.

Innvendig: slitasje på seter, gulv, bord, vegger og vinduer til funksjonskontroll av dører, inspeksjon av alle skap og vi har foretatt en grundig gjennomgang av førerplass.

Utvendig: Vognsider, vinduer, luker, dører, frontelementer etc.

Under: Plog, ATC-antenner, kabling, boggier, drivverk (både elektrisk og diesel), pneumatikksystemer, bremser etc.

Med høy detaljeringsgrad, fast og lik feiltekst på funn kan de enkelt registreres som utestående feil på materiellet i kundens vedlikeholdsstyringssystem.

Etter denne inspeksjonen sitter kunden igjen med en presis status på materiellet før de overtar ansvaret.

Unstad tilbyr også dynamisk inspeksjon som inkluderer vibrasjonsanalyse, visuell observasjon med bruk av kameraer, klosskraftmåling, oljeanalyser etc. Slike inspeksjoner vil gi innsikt i systemer som traksjonsstyring, mekaniske roterende elementer, bremsetilsetting, løpeegenskaper og skinnegangens tilstand på den kjørte strekningen. En dynamisk inspeksjon vil avdekke om toget og skinnegangen er i god stand og bekrefter egnetheten til toget på den gitte strekningen.

Unstad AS holder til Oslo, har 12 ansatte og tilbyr rådgivning til togbransjen. Vi ser for oss en fremtid der folk flest foretrekker kollektive transportløsninger.

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